Thursday, March 5, 2009

tHeY aRe sOOO fuNny... I think little kids are the fUnniEst pEopLe on eArth!! 
The other day Ireland was going potty and she started
So I asked her what was so funny...and she said...
"Mom I'm a bUnnY rAbBit!! And then she turns around & in her 
bare little bum crack she had stuffed a little wad of toilet paper...thus giving
her a little bUnnY rAbBit tAil!! 
        Holy crap...I laughed so hard!!
Where do they come up with these things? No, it's not from Mark,
although I wouldn't put it past him! Ha, ha!!


Julia said...

hahahhaa, i love it. made my morning.

Anonymous said...

how cute! Now which would you prefer...her pretending she's a puppy or a bunny?!

Jessica Petersen said...

That is so cute! Oh I Love little kids!!!