Sunday, March 15, 2009

aNd sHe's oFF...

So Cienna has been cRuiSin around for about a month now...but not efficiently! She could crawl backwards, scoot on her bum & roll around in about every direction...but not crawl forwards. But today it finally cLicKed. We got home from church and we were just relaxing and we look down and there is Cici crawling at full speed across the floor and belly laughing while she's doing it. She was so hApPy that she had finally figured it out & that she could finally catch her sister (well, at least a little bit.) So here's a little clip of her new talent. Also...we got some cute footage of Ilie and her philosophies on Daddy's new profession and love!! (Yeah, but ignore her starting to fight with little sis at the end...she's never done that before...ha, that's funny.)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

piNkaLiciOus pArtY tiMe...

For Ireland's tHiRd biRthDay...she wanted a pInkaLiciOus pArtY!! She's has the book "Pinkalicious" and she is obsessed with it...we pretty much read it every single night. So...we had a piNkaliCioUs party & it was pInk, piNk, pInk!! She had lots of fun with her closest buds. They all got dressed up in pink tutus, tiaras, shoes & wands...except for our handsome Jace...he was our pink prince in his cape, crown & sword...LOVED IT!! We decorated, played & ate lots and lots of sugar...including our pInk cUpcAkes!! It was a pinkalicious time!!

mY bAby giRl iS tHree...

Nope...I can't believe it, but like it or baby girl is
   tHree yEaRs oLd!!
I remember during our first year in Halifax, I thought how wierd it would be that Ireland would be three when we moved home.
Now we're at the end & she's three...cRaZy!!
Well, she's pretty much the cUteSt, fuNnieSt & sWeeTeSt three year old out there. She makes me smile and laugh every single day!! We prayed, wished & hoped for a very long time for our little angel...and she is the greatest answer to a prayer that we could have ever hoped for. She makes me a better person and makes me see the siMpLe & wOndErfUl in life. 
I love you Ilie-girl...hApPy biRthDaY!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

tHeY aRe sOOO fuNny... I think little kids are the fUnniEst pEopLe on eArth!! 
The other day Ireland was going potty and she started
So I asked her what was so funny...and she said...
"Mom I'm a bUnnY rAbBit!! And then she turns around & in her 
bare little bum crack she had stuffed a little wad of toilet paper...thus giving
her a little bUnnY rAbBit tAil!! 
        Holy crap...I laughed so hard!!
Where do they come up with these things? No, it's not from Mark,
although I wouldn't put it past him! Ha, ha!!